
In recent years sustainability issues have gained particular relevance with an international effort to make a more efficient and effective use of available resources.

Mechanical gears/transmissions are very common mechanical elements/mechanisms that can be found in a number of machines, from the little DIY tool, through the transports to the wind turbines.


Thus, by their numbers and by the powers involved, it is in their interest to maximize the longevity and efficiency of existing transmissions and to develop solutions where efficiency is as important as reliability.

A lower operating temperature also enhances lubricant longevity, potentially increasing maintenance intervals.

Our Test Bench allows you to know the state of those with records from the Sound power to the Lubricant Cleaning and Pressure, through Temperature & Vibration records and many more.

SERMEC Wind Power has the latest technology and technical know-how available, please contact us to find out more!

YAW's are fundamental components of a Wind Turbine, since the turbine should always face the wind so that can generate as much electricity as possible.


If it's damaged in one of it's components, the frontal directional of the Wind Turbine will not be possible and, as such, it will not be financial rentable as it should be.

SERMEC Wind Power has the latest technologies and technical knowledge available, contact us to know more!

Laser Cladding is a process in which a metal coating is applied onto the surface of a part using a laser as the heat source.

The process is often used to create a protective coating for increased functionality, as well as restore damaged or worn surfaces.


Laser cladding allows extended life of equipment and machinery in which parts are exposed to corrosion, wear or impact.

For example, the construction equipment industry applies this technology to their products to increase wear resistance and keep equipment in service longer.

SERMEC Wind Power has the latest technologies and technical knowledge available, contact us to know more!

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